• Life in six words… This spoken word piece from Propaganda is clear and compelling. Check out the viral video here.
  • Falling Plates… This is a visually stunning presentation of the Good News. Check it out here.
  • Something Amazing… This animated presentation of the Gospel is short (two minutes) but powerful. Check it out here.
  • This is an Amazing Facts video about how to be saved. Check it out here.

Other Resources

1010 Thrive Top Ten Lists (updated weekly)

How to Choose the Right Translation of the Bible for You

One Year Bible Reading Plan from the Bible App

Bible Reading Plans at Bible Study Tools

Bible Reading Plan from Amazing Facts

300 Bible Verses to Memorize (including at least one verse from each book of the Bible)

Ten Reasons to Memorize Scripture

SMART Spiritual Goals

Paul and Silas were two apostles for Christ. They traveled far and wide, sometimes together and sometimes apart, telling people about the love of Jesus and encouraging them to accept Him as their Savior. During a visit to Philippi (a former city in present-day Greece), they cast out a demon from a young slave girl. After doing so, they were arrested, flogged, and imprisoned for causing a public nuisance. Rather than feel sorry for themselves, they could be heard praying and singing praises to God right there in jail.

At midnight, there was a great earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison: all the doors were opened and the chains binding the prisoners were loosened. The jailer was awakened from sleep and rushed to the prison. He noticed that the doors were open, and he assumed that all the prisoners had fled. Knowing that this would not be good for him or his family, he despaired and even drew his sword to take his own life. But Paul stopped him. He called out and told the jailer that none of the prisoners had left. So impressed was this jailer with the men of God, that he asked: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

They replied: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household” (Acts 16:31)

That clear and concise answer given to a desperate man almost two thousand years ago is still the answer to anyone seeking salvation.

Jesus came to earth to spread the gospel – the good news about salvation. That gospel is summed up in perhaps the most powerful text in the whole Bible—John 3:16.

Notice carefully what this text includes:

Godthe almighty authority, one who exists outside of time and space, one who is greater than mere humanity, one whom finite minds cannot fully comprehend

So loved the worldthe mightiest motive, a motive that is inextricably bound up in His character – God is love

That He gave His one and only Son—the greatest gift, the only gift capable of rescuing humanity from eternal condemnation

That whoeverthe widest welcome, no one is excluded

Believes in Himthe easiest escape, all you have to do is believe

Shall not perisha divine deliverance

But have eternal lifea priceless possession

It is that simple.

We may have a desire for the better way, but we do not have the power to live it. We admit that God’s way is best, but we do the very opposite

There is help in Jesus. We are to look away from our failures and sins, and look to Him for help. We are invited to “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

All we need to do to receive that free gift is faith. Believe and we will receive.

To demonstrate our belief, we should pray the sinner’s prayer: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” (Luke 18:13). Sinful humans must recognize that there is a God—that we have sinned against God—and that God is the Standard for Righteousness in the world. We must acknowledge that God is merciful—that humanity has no merit, of our own— and we must trust in God’s forgiveness.

Divine Law demands that the debt of each sinner must be paid. “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) Sinners are helpless and powerless to pay this debt ourselves. Jesus, God’s Son, died upon the cross in the sinners’ place. God has accepted the sacrifice of His Son on our behalf. Therefore, it remains only for us—free moral agents that we are—to admit our sins and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. Romans 10:10 says, “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation..”

  1. Believe with the heart—no mental reservations. We just throw our helpless souls on Him.
  2. Confess our sins to Him, and confess our faith in Him.
  3. Call upon God in prayer.

Romans 10:13 tells us that, “for ‘whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.’” We just need to call on our Savior. We cannot let anyone or anything keep us from the free gift that is available to us.

Ten Steps for the New Believer

  1. Pray a prayer like this – “Dear God, I surrender. In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, forgive my sins. Take charge of my life: make me what I should be and use me in your service. In Jesus’ name. Amen!”
  2. Tell God all your problems—confess your sins to Him—talk aloud to Him, as a little child would speak to a loving father—and believe He has forgiven you.
  3. Read John Chapter 1 in a couple of different translations – consider the New King James Version, the New International Version, the Contemporary English Version, the English Standard Version, or the New Living Translation. Find one with which you are comfortable.
  4. Read the entire Gospel of John slowly.
  5. Pray as you read.
  6. Write down what you think the Lord is speaking to you.
  7. Find a spiritual accountability partner – someone who can pray with you, encourage you, and support you in your spiritual journey.
  8. Find a Bible-teaching church and explore ways to get involved with a body of believers.
  9. Continue to grow.
  10. Live a life of gratitude to God.

I you need help with any of these steps, reach out to us here at 1010 Thrive.
